William Balfour Bethune Duncan

Military Information

  • Date of enlistment:
  • Place of enlistment:
  • Service no: N/A
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Service Occupation:
  • Awards:
  • Regiment/Service: Black Watch
  • Unit/Ship: 4th Battalion
  • Place of Death: France
  • Age at Death: 20
  • Date of Death: 03.09.1916
  • Burial Country: France
  • Cemetery: Hamel Military Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel
  • Grave/Mem Ref no: I.F.20.

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth: 1896
  • Place of Birth:
  • Address:
  • Occupation:
  • Mother:

    Margaret Balfour Duncan, “Graycraig”, Dundee

  • Father:

    A. Bethune Duncan, “Graycraig”, Dundee

  • Siblings:
  • Spouse:
  • Children:

More about William Balfour Bethune Duncan

William Balfour Bethune Duncan   Lieutenant  Black Watch

Lieutenant A. Bethune Duncan was the only son of Mr A. B. Duncan, of the firm of Messrs Don & Duncan, manufacturers.  The sad information of how he met his death was contained in a letter from deceased’s captain who wrote :―

“ I have the terrible duty to write and tell you that Willie was killed yesterday morning.  He was in a dug-out with Willie Robertson, when a shell hit it, and killed them both out-right.  It happened a little after half-past eight.  We managed to get them both buried last night in a little village behind the lines, and Drew, an officer in his company, read a short service over their graves. It is needless to say how much Bethune will be missed by all here.  His men idolised him, and to the officers he was known as a very fine officer and as one of the cheeriest and best of men to be with us out here.  I can scarcely realise that he is gone.”

A Young Officer.

Lieutenant Duncan, who was 20 years of age, was well liked by his brother officers and his men.  He was educated at the High School, Dundee, and afterwards proceeded to Glenalmond.  Although he was but seventeen years of age he left collage to answer his country’s call.  He joined the Black Watch immediately on the outbreak of war.

Dundee Courier 9th September 1916

Additional information kindly supplied by Michael Caldwell

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