George Hammond Lord

Military Information

  • Date of enlistment:
  • Place of enlistment:
  • Service no: N/A
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Service Occupation:
  • Awards:
  • Regiment/Service: Royal Field Artillery
  • Unit/Ship: 256th Brigade
  • Place of Death: Belgium
  • Age at Death: 42
  • Date of Death: 30.11.1917
  • Burial Country: Belgium
  • Cemetery: Mendinghem Military Cemetery
  • Grave/Mem Ref no: VI.AA.21.

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth: 31.03.1875
  • Place of Birth:
  • Address: Westbank, Dundee
  • Occupation: Partner, George H. Lord, Park Machine Works, Dudhope St, Dundee
  • Mother:
  • Father:

    George H. Lord, Westbank, Dundee

  • Siblings:

    2 brothers

  • Spouse:
  • Children:

More about George Hammond Lord

  1. Hammond Lord   Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery


To a wide circle of friends in Dundee and district the news of the death at the front of Lieutenant G. Hammond Lord, R.F.A., will create feelings of the most poignant regret.  Lieutenant Lord died on November 30 from injuries accidentally sustained.

Forty-two years of age, he was the third son of the late Mr George H. Lord, Westbank, Dundee, and a partner of the firm of George H. Lord & Son, engineers and mill-furnishers, Park Machine Works, Douglas Street, Dundee.  Soon after the outbreak of war he enlisted in the Sportsman’s Battalion, and subsequently was gazetted to the R.F.A., with which he had serve in France for about two years.

Lieutenant Lord was greatly esteemed by all who knew him.  He was a man of lovable and refined disposition, with all the qualities of a good soldier.  In boating circles in Dundee he took an active part, and on more than one occasion he had rendered distinguished but un ostentatious service in rendering assistance to followers of that sport when the Tay was in tempestuous mood.

Dundee Courier 5th December 1917

Additional information and image kindly supplied by Michael Caldwell

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