Eric George Vincent Luis

Military Information

  • Date of enlistment:
  • Place of enlistment:
  • Service no: N/A
  • Rank: Second Lieutenant
  • Service Occupation:
  • Awards:
  • Regiment/Service: Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry
  • Unit/Ship: 6th Battalion
  • Place of Death: France
  • Age at Death: 20
  • Date of Death: 06.10.1916
  • Burial Country: France
  • Cemetery: Thiepval Memorial
  • Grave/Mem Ref no: Pier & Face 10A & 10D

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth:
  • Place of Birth:
  • Address: 4 Hill St, Broughty Ferry
  • Occupation: Apprentice Chartered Accountant, Moody Stewart & Robertson, Dundee
  • Mother:
  • Father:

    John H. Luis, Newstead, West Ferry

  • Siblings:
  • Spouse:
  • Children:

More about Eric George Vincent Luis

Eric has no known grave but is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial. He is remembered on the Seafield House War Memorial, located in the grounds of Grove Academy, Broughty Ferry.

Eric George Vincent Luis   Second-Lieutenant  Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry



Second-Lieutenant Eric George Vincent Luis, of the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, was killed in action on the 7th inst.  He was the younger son of the late John H. Luis, J.P., V.D., of Newstead, West Ferry, and grandson of Mrs Luis, Cidhmore, Dundee.

Lieutenant Luis, who was in his 20th year, was educated at Glenalmond, and was a member of the O.T.C.   When war broke out he was serving his apprenticeship as a chartered accountant in the office of Moody Stuart & Robertson, C. A., Dundee.  He soon responded to his country’s call, and enlisted as a private.  He was on active service for a considerable time, and returned home to obtain his commission.  It is only four weeks since he was promoted to commissioned rank.

Dundee Courier 16th October 1916

Additional information and image kindly supplied by Michael Caldwell

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